the journal




fresh 48



I am pumped to continue my local biz series featuring some of our local Iowa City small business treasures. When I thought about this monthly blog, I wanted to highlight specifically woman-owned Iowa City area businesses or services. These are businesses that I personally love as a mom, and want to share with my fellow IC mamas. These woman are nothing short of amazing. Fellow creatives, inspirational woman, some also carry the title of mom. If you haven’t already checked out these amazing businesses, I can’t wait for you to. Each month I will feature a quick interview with the business owner that hopefully illustrates how special each of these woman are and how unique + amazing each of these services/businesses are within our community.

Leslie McNeilus, owner of Pure Luxe Apothecary

Honestly I am not sure how I stumbled upon Leslie and her brand initially. I do know that she graciously agreed to contribute to my Mothers Day mama pampering giveaway, which was amazing btw. I can personally attest to the fact that her products are pure heaven. If you haven’t entered into facial mist world, you definitely should. Everything she makes is so so good. I used a few of her facial products (argan oil, facial mist, lip balm, etc) for the first time and I felt like my face was as soft as a baby.

A few weeks ago, I went to meet up with Leslie in her element. I stepped into her beautiful home and blooming yard and entered an oasis. She uses all natural and sustainable materials all the way down to her product labels. Her small-batch skin-care + wellness products are perfect for swapping out your current routine and/or for gifting. Enjoy reading all about her and her business venture.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

A: I’m Leslie, the founder and maker behind Pure Luxe Apothecary. I formulate clean, completely natural skincare and wellness goods. The purpose behind my business really is to support and educate around holistic health and to turn everyday routines into luxurious, healing rituals. For me, it’s a joy to both create and use these products! Outside of running the business, I spend a lot of time working on my gardens. I’ve been on a mission to regenerate my property, so I’ve been replacing the traditional grass
monoculture with large areas of natives and other perennials. It’s a lot of work, especially the first few years, but SO rewarding! Bringing back biodiversity, wildlife, and health to our environment are really critical. No matter the size, I encourage anyone to ditch the
lawn chemicals and start planting natives!

*Jess’s sidenote: if you are interested in replacing your lawn or a portion of your grass, here is a great resource on planting Iowa native wildflowers*

Q: How did you get started with your business venture? Tell us all about your story.

A: I formally studied Holistic Health and Complementary Therapies while I was living in the UK in the early 2000s. I started formulating products for myself, family, and friends then, because I couldn’t find the type of clean, minimalist products I wanted to use. It wasn’t until I was living in Washington state several years later that I officially started Pure Luxe
Apothecary. So many things have evolved… I started with a few products on Etsy and vending in some artisan markets in the Seattle and Portland areas. I eventually moved on to my own website and started selling weekly at the Olympia Farmers Market in Olympia, WA.
And now most recently I moved back to my home state of Iowa. In the beginning I was printing and cutting my own labels, making very small batches, and selling primarily in person. I’m thankful to work with a printer now, and to ship out products all over the country, but I’ll always value making all my products by hand in my workshop – just in larger batches now!

Q: What do you draw inspiration from?

A: A lot of inspiration comes from the places I’ve lived, especially Austria and England. I spent several years in London, where there’s so much creative energy. Wherever I am, I love taking in the art, design, landscapes, and diverse ways of living … especially when it comes to health and lifestyle. So between my roots in the Midwest and exploring different places and cultures over the years, I’ve absorbed so many ideas. I’m also a big reader – there are lots of holistic health and personal development books piled up around the house.

Q: What do you love about the Iowa City Community?

A: For a relatively small city, Iowa City is such a cool place. The University of Iowa pulls in diverse people from all over the world. The history and tradition of writing here is amazing – it’s a UNESCO City of Literature. There are arts, lectures, festivals, sports, and a vibrant community of small businesses. All in an area that feels livable, easy to get around, and surrounded by beautiful countryside. I also appreciate that so many people here are wellness- and community-minded.

Q: What are you favorite other local businesses to support?

A: The number of entrepreneurs, artists, and makers in this area is fantastic. I love all the markets that bring people together … Iowa City Farmers Market, Simply Made Market, Corridor Market, Good Makers Market, plus so many others farther beyond the Iowa City area. And there are amazing local shops, restaurants, service providers, and organizations throughout the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. It’s so much fun to meet, support, and learn from other business owners. I don’t know that I can pick favorites, but I’m especially proud of all the local, women-owned businesses!

Q: What would surprise most people about being a small business owner?

A: It can be surprisingly challenging to set your own schedule and boundaries with time. There’s a lot of freedom, yes. But when you can work any and all hours, it’s easy for your business to spread out into every corner of your life. It takes some effort to be intentional with your time – and leave space for rest and fun!

Q: If you have a weekend in which you could do anything in Iowa City (all expenses paid), what would your local dream weekend consist of?

A: I’d invite all my friends and family for a weekend of fun! Might need a party bus?! I’d probably start at the Saturday morning farmers market, with food and shopping downtown. Prairie Lights for books, Heim for plants and crystals, flowers from Willow & Stock, RSVP for fun cards and gifts. We’d definitely make some refreshment stops at Wild Culture Kombucha, the Green House, and Get Fresh Cafe. For some chill time in nature, a hike and yoga at Harvest Preserve. For entertainment – movies at FilmScene, a concert at the Englert, and a women’s basketball game at Carver! And I’d wrap up the weekend with a huge party and bonfire out at Wilson’s Orchard. Their Full Moon Dinners are amazing, so I’d love to treat all my favorite people to that experience!

Q: What are you biggest aspirations (business and/or life)?

A: One of my favorite quotes (attributed to both Emerson and Bessie Stanley), sums things up well for me: “To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition… to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.”

Want to learn more about Leslie and her product line?



+/or VISIT HER at an upcoming summer or fall market!

Do you have a business that you would like to see featured? Feel free to reach out and I would love to hear or learn more about it.


Iowa City Area Small Business Spotlight: Pure Luxe Apothecary